Kiana Naghshineh
animation . director . design
Preparing Tea
Quick, the guests are already here!
Our Friends arrived
Finding the right Design for Dinokid
Animated Trailer ( 2014)
Dinokid prepares a teaparty for her friends.
Client :
Director . Story :
Design :
2D & 3D Animation :
2D fx Animation :
Technical Director :
Modeling :
Rigging :
Compositing :
3D - Stereo Comp :
Music :
Sound Design:
Production :
Internationales Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart
Kiana Naghshineh
Kiana Naghshineh
Mareike Keller . Pablo Almeida
Kiana Naghshineh
Kim Nguyen . Kathrin Kuhnert
Patxi Aguirre
Marco Hakenjos . Patxi Aguirre
Hanna Binswanger
Patxi Aguirre
Andreas Feix
Marius Kirsten
Ana Monte
Filmakademie Baden - Württemberg
Dinokid is about enjoying little things in life that will turn out huge and beautiful in your memories. We wanted to create a cozy and nostalgic atmosphere. As a little extra challenge, we transfered the illustrative 2D - Look into a stereo 3D environement.
Hiroshima Hiroshima International Animation Festival 2016
Los Angeles SIGGRAPH 2015
Rio de Janeiro Anima Mundi 2015
Teheran Tehran International Animation Festival 2015
WINNER bronze award Stuttgart Spotlight Festival 2015
Karlsruhe Independent Days Filmfestival 2015
Teheran Tehran International Animation Festival 2015
Bamberg Bamberger Kurzfilmtage 2015